Rock Aid Roll 2025

  • Festivals in Polsko
  • On: 15.02.2025 To: 15.02.2025
Rock Aid Roll 2025 is a charity Valentine's Day festival of rock hits hosted by the band The Kroach and Mirek Skorupski. In partnership with the Avalon Foundation, it will ...

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Xmas Cabaret Burlesque Show

  • Concerts in Polsko
  • On: 22.12.2024 To: 22.12.2024
Worek Kości will warm hearts shrouded in winter aura and take guests into the world of cabaret burlesque. *The pre-Christmas show will feature Bomba Boom, Chloe Angelique and Red Juliette, ...

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Zacieralia 2025

  • Festivals in Polsko
  • On: 10.01.2025 To: 11.01.2025
On 10 and 11 January 2025, the 18th birthday of the Unlimited Creativity Festival Zacieralia will be celebrated in Progresja. Among the many attractions being prepared on the occasion of ...

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Furia + Gaahls Wyrd + Aluk Todolo

  • Concerts in Polsko
  • On: 21.12.2024 To: 21.12.2024
# Furia, Gaahls Wyrd and Aluk Todolo will perform at four concerts in Poland. And so it goes this December after December, and Furia are reaching further and further afield with ...

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Koncert Chopinowski

  • Concerts in Polsko
  • On: 21.12.2024 To: 21.12.2024
Recitals of Frédéric Chopin's music are a unique opportunity to listen to Frédéric Chopin's compositions performed by artists who have been successful on the biggest concert stages in Europe and ...

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Polsko (5)

Ji.hlava letos: podněcující, inspirující, živá!

Přípravy na 24. Ji.hlavu nepolevují. Naopak! Nabitý program nabídne první a zároveň poslední snímek islandského hudebního skladatele Jóhanna Jóhannssona, filmový portrét slavné performerky Mariny Abramović i nejlepší dokument festivalu Sundance, Epicentro od Huberta Saupera. Sekci hudebních dokumentů pak vévodí ženy. A na Inspiračním fóru ......

The Plastic People of the Universe spolu s Filharmóniou Brno

The Plastic People of the Universe spolu s Filharmóniou Brno a projekt Bolo nás jedenásť – Pohodu otvoria koncerty venované 30. výročiu Nežnej revolúcie 11. – 13. JÚL 2019 – LETISKO TRENČÍN   Dôležitým rozmerom umenia je sloboda. Nebyť udalostí z novembra 1989, na letisku v Trenčíne ......